Harax - Inly

Harax - Inly
UP Records
Дата издания: 

Harax&Sol - Leaves

Harax - Laeda

Harax - Agora

Harax - Nearby

Harax - Night

Harax - Nearlysun

Harax&Zymosis - Zaren

Harax - Almond

Harax - Freckles

Harax - Whisper

Publisher:  UP Records 

Format: CD, Digital Download

Artwork: Webgrrl

Mastering: Fahad Black Samurai

File Under: PsyChill/Ambient

Distribution: Saiko Sounds/Wirikuta 

The debut expressions of Ukrainian Psy-chill artist Denis Botsvin. Elegant melodies, build this journey into deep emotions and feelings, synthetic particles evolving and growing, clarity and relaxation of the senses. Melody based Psychedelic chill-out takes on a new form as intimate pads, bells, chimes, uplifting and sometimes oriental notes take you on a meditative journey.

Sit back, put the kettle on and let yourself melt into this blissful audio experience.

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